Praisecharts and Harmony Helper
We’re proud to announce we’ve partnered with Praisecharts to create a digital rehearsal experience for their extensive catalog of sheet music and multitracks!

Master your vocal performance anytime, anywhere, with Harmony Helper, a 24/7 interactive digital rehearsal room. Patented technology, real-time feedback and a turnkey PraiseCharts integration makes Harmony Helper the optimal companion app for PraiseCharts sheet music and multitracks.
How to Use Praisecharts with Harmony Helper
Find compatible song on PraiseCharts
Hundreds of PraiseChart’s songs and arrangements are compatible with Harmony Helper, and we’re adding more every day!

Get Connected
If you need step-by-step instructions for how to connect your Praisecharts and Harmony Helper accounts, you can watch the video below or visit step-by-step instructions: